Thursday, December 29, 2011


         ''...You know, being UNWANTED isn't my rare stuff...'' -Leah-

I think it's because i've being such annoying b*tch. Well, that's what I think. First, I lost contact with my bestfriends. My boyfriend doesn't answer any of my text, IM and call. My parents are always busy. My sister can only think about her friends and my brother is always sick thinking of his p*nis.

What the heck am I doing?

Yeah, being the most boring person in the world. That's sick -.-'

Okay that's it. Kbye, XOXO.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

I Feel Loved

Okay, aku mengaku. Aku sayang dia.

Just tak couple, kay? Nak tahu ke siapa?
Dekat facebook lah tahu. okay?

Kbye, XOXO

Friday, December 23, 2011

Omg Omg Omg !


In Love

Right now :D :D :D :D :D

Lalalalalalala, capital A <3

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Menyesal -.-

Okay, menyesal jugak aku bagi tahu dia yang aku suka dia. Padan muka kau, Dee. Siapa suruh? Dang it! Dia dah tak nak layan aku. Bagus gila.

Yani cakap dia nak couple dengan aku. Betul ke? Aku dah melompat macam maniac dah ni. Kalau tak betul, memang buat malu aku je lah. Takda siapa nak baca blog ni, buat apa aku post? Shizz ah.

Lalalala, dah merepek. Kbye

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Then and Now

Apa masalah korang sekarang ni?

Seriously aku tak faham masalah adik adik aku, sepupu sepupu aku. Things is different in my way. Damn different. Korang sepatutnya hormat aku doh. Tapi dengan korang, aku kuli korang.

Perangai semua macam ... :
1. Jenis yang NO MERCY for anybody. Tapi bila time diorang sakit, menangis tak habis.
2. Jenis yang suka melawan cakap orang. Omg, geram gila sial.
3. Jenis yang mengada. Contoh, nak benda yang takda. Kalau tak dapat, nangis.
4. Jenis yang manja tahap aku benci gila gila! Marah sikit pun tak boleh.
5. Jenis yang Lawyer buruk. Kau jangan pikir kau hebat sangat sampai nak lawyer buruk dgn orang.

Kau pikir best sangat ke jadi semua ni? Orang menyampah tengok doh ceritanya. Nanti dah kahwin pun macam ni, memang duduk bawah ketiak mak je lah. Malas isteri nak layan. (story pasal laki ni)
*kepada lelaki yang dah kahwin, jangan terasa. sorry kalau terasa.*

Jadi, tu je lah story aku sekarang. Bbye. XOXO

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Let Me Play Loud :O

Hidup, memang cabaran ada setiap kali.

First, Hakim dgn Yani tak habis habis ajak aku pergi dapur. Sakit telinga aku je. Aduihhhhhhhh!
Then, sebab aku fail and turun kelas tahun ni, terpaksa tuisyen. Pastu, kalau fail EYT form 2 kena pindah KL. Sangat tak best ohh!
Lastly, aku rindu capital AFI lahhh.

Macam mana ni? Susah lah kalau macam ni. Macam hidup ni asyik kena berjaya every single time. Eventhough diorang sendiri pun cakap jangan stress sangat. Tapi at the end of the story, diorang jugak yang selalu bagi stress.

What to do? it's always gonna be like that.

Okay done. Bye XOXO

Monday, December 19, 2011

The One That Got Away

Okay, I admit. I really like this three boys. Which is Firdaus, Izzat and most of all Adli.

Firdaus : Budak yang aku jumpa kat kampung. First time kitorang jumpa, asyik usha usha je. Sampai sekarang pun macam tu. Dia comel gila! I can't tell how much cause he's damn cute!

Izzat : Dia lah first love aku. We started dating when we're in standard 2. I think so. I don't know that he likes me all this time. Fuyyyooo, setia gila kot. Handsome tu... Boleh tahan lah :D

Adli : At first, dia just kawan adik aku. Kitorang ni asyik slack samasama je. Macam tak ngam sangat. But sekarang, boleh tahan kitorang yang paling rapat aku rasa. Then, aku ada hati kat dia.

Ceritanya, Izzat dah minta couple malam tadi (191011). Aku dah terlebih suka kat Firdaus. Nak accept Izzat ke tak ni? Macam mana ni? Rasa bersalah lah pulak nak reject dia. Dia kawan baik aku since darjah 2. Kalau aku dapat jumpa dia, maybe aku tahu kot jawapan nya. Aku rindu dia oh ceritanya. Aduh, macam mana ni?

Dah lah, biar aku pikir dulu. Kbye, XOXO

Friday, December 16, 2011

Itu Perkara Biasa

Hey, macam mana ni? Ahmad Firdaus macam mana ni?

Dia terlalu dan teramat comel lah. (pehh baku)

Macam mana ni? Huh, okay. Aku dah addicted dekat dia lah.

Gambar, nanti lah. Takda dalam laptop. Nanti lah tengok.

Ohkay bye, XOXO.

Wedding :D

Pehhh, banyak gila kot wedding tahun depan (2012).

First, Kak Nana. Then, kak Etty. Lepas tu, Uncle Zan. After, Uncle Mi :p. And then, Aunty Sabrina. 

Yani cakap tak banyak? Yaa Laaahhh. 

Banyak jugak tu. 

Dah dah, kbye. XOXO

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

What? :3

Deyy, apa daaa?
Kenapa tak nak marah? Kalau tak kita tak marah orang yang hina agama kita sendiri, nanti dia pikir kita dah menyerah kalah and kita ni lembik. Kita tak lembik, agama kita mesti kuat.

Just marah dia, korang just takut kalau korang marah dia, nanti dia marah lagi kita, kutuk lagi agama kita. Siapa yang takut dengan dia je boleh buat macam tu. Kalau korang takut Allah, marah je pengutuk agama tu. Jangan takut dengan dia. Jangan bagi peluang langsung dekat dia tu. Dia takda hak langsung.

Aku cakap ni, nak mempertahankan agama dan kita. Jangan nak kutuk aku sangat lah.

Kepada Tengku Sophia : Kau pikir kau siapa, nak kutuk kutuk agama orang? Nama kau Tengku Sophia. Mungkin kau Islam jugak. Kau kutuk islam, kau kutuk diri kau sendiri lah. Jadi, jangan nak bangga sangat kau boleh kutuk kutuk sesuka hati kau.

Renung renung kan. Dan selamat beramal :)

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Avenged Sevenfold

    A V E N G E D   S E V E N F O L D !
My most favourite rock band!

I L O V E Y O U 
M A T T  S H A D O W S
Haha, XOXO

Niall Haron Damn Cute !

N I A L L   H A R O N <3

He is damn cute! I dont know why said he's not cute. Weird. But still, he's my blondy LP. 

One Direction Frenzy :D

 I L O V E Y O U
O N E D I R E C T I O N :D

O N E    D I R E C T I O N :)

O N E   D I R E C T I O N <3

Budak Bengap

Yeah, beberapa budak zaman sekarang memang tak pandai hormat orang yang lagi tua.
Lagi lagi yang dah biasa dengan kita, kan?

Damn it -.- Malas gila dah nak story -.-


Friday, December 9, 2011

Takda Life

''dude, hi. aku just nak cakap. bukan apa, but jaga attitude kau please. jangan nak godai godai sangat lah. memang lah orang tak suka kalau macam tu. kbye

p/s : jangan biasakan sebut benda benda yang kau selalu sebut tu. rosak identiti kau and keluarga kau nanti.''

This is just a copy from what I post on Raja Nur Alisya's wall on facebook. Okay, it's not good being bad. You think being bad is cool? I don't think so. 

Dah, kbye.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Damn, You Make Me Sick

Ah come on man! This is so freaking sick dude! Who the heck do you think you are?

Malas nak speaking. Douchebag ah. Kau dah takut sangat ke sampai nak abang kau defend kau ni? Masalah kita, kita lah selesai kan BODOH. Apa kau sial sangat?! Damn lepu tak habis.

Now, aku dah merapu habis kat facebook. Amenda lah sial? Aduh. bengang betul aku dengan kau, kau tahu! Dah lah kacau balak aku. Takda life ke sial? Ehem, excuse me. I mean, Ex-boyf.

Huh, kbye.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


This dialog is JUST FOR FUN :D

girl : Hi, sorry I'm late. I've got some work to do with my mum at the office. Hope you're not mad.
boy : Hmmm, you're always like this. Fine. I'll get use to it one day.
girl : I said I'm sorry honey. Please don't be mad :(
boy : Bla bla bla. Okay. Let's go now.
ME : Ahh, don't be such a bitch!
boy : Excuse me?
girl : You heard her, DON'T BE SUCH A BITCH!
boy : You're talking to me?! Oh you shut up bitch!
ME : Fuck, stop it! You're bullying your girlfriend douchebag! You're not suppose to treat her like that. She said she is sorry. What's the big deal? Just accept her apologise. Although it's just a little mistake. Boys are always pathetic!
boy : Why do you have to be such a busybody?
ME : Why do you have to be such a JERK?!
boy : Ahhhhh, fine. ____ I'm sorry for being mad at you. I promise to never do that again. Tell me you're just fine :3
girl : okay, I'm just fine. And I accept your apology.
boy : I love you :D
girl : I love you too :D

ME : Nice! :D

#Great ending I hope. Although, It seems like a fairy tale. I think, things like this never happen right? Only in movies. Who would ever believe.

I think that's all. kbye :) XOXO

Monday, December 5, 2011

Oh.. My.. Gucci -.-

... I don't understand. Really? Really guys? Really??!
You think 35kg is FAT? What a crap. Don't you guys even know what fat means?

Ex : Alysa, Anis, Karmila, Nina, Aida (superwoman) and Hana. You guys are skinny and thin like there's nothing in your body. Then you're afraid cause you're weight is 35kg?!! Omg, GROW UP!

Ex : Athirah Johana, Qamarina and Seri Nuralia. They are ... What do we say ... Berisi. JUST berisi. Not Fat yet. Apa daaahh?!

Ex : Nor Athirah, Siti Aysha and Najlaa are fat. Yeah, that's fat. Sorry guys. I'm just giving examples. Hope you mind. Just for reference.

Okay, anything. That's the point. We are still 13 to 14 years old. We don't have to worry about our weight YET, cause we're growing up. It's not good to take diet this times. I am just saying. If you still want to do it, It's your choice. I am not the one who's getting sick at the age of 25 and below.

i think that's all. Kboii!

New Blog :D

Yayy, I just started a new blog for my singing! Awesome :)

Here's the URL ... :

I hope you enjoy it a lot Thank You, bye :)

Mood : Sad :'(

You know I'm regret by leaving you. But I still love you and I miss you like crazy. See how missarable I am. Terrible, I know. Just wait one more month. We'll be alright :)


My relationship with Muhammad Khairin bin Zulkepli ends today :")

Although I make that crying smiley, but inside, I'm really sad :"(


Be patient Dee, oppurtunity comes everyday. Just have to wait.

Dah kbye :'D

Fuyyoo ! :3

Mwehehe, sudah mencapai 63 post.
Biasa je -.-
Orang lain dah beratus dah. Lol.

Dah kbye,

Doosh Bag -.-

Boys are such doosh bag. Omg, I just patient-ing if I'm with one of them. Although I'm 13, every thing happened for a reason... I hope so. Sometimes it doesn't.

Seriously, nowadays I don't have any good idea to blog. Nothing happened so much though.

By the way, I always wanted to ask this ques ...

KENAPA kita tak kutuk, marah, control and do something that hurt KEPADA hotstuff ?

Sakit hati tau bila tgk orang sakit hati. Cause I am the victim to, so I know how it feels.

Kenapa aku tulis cam rempit? ........

Dah kbye,

Sunday, December 4, 2011





Friday, December 2, 2011

kes tak boleh outing

Tak best lah macam ni. Asyik tak boleh outing ngan kawan je. Boleh time form 3, and time tu pulak nak study for PMR. Nak outing pergi library je. Alah lepu betul! Sabar je lah, dah biasa dah. A.k.a, itu perkara biasa!

Dah, kbye

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pilih kasih betul !

Pehh, kalau part pilih kasih pilih kasih ni serious aku ckap, ''... I don't give a DAMN...'' What the heck man? Dgn hotstuff kemain lagi jaga mulut tu. Dgn orang standard macam aku ni, macam SIAL je! Panggil aku pendek lah, gemuk lah, padok lah! Contoh *kat bawah na* (like I said, I don't give a damn)

Alysa : Acah acah je cakap aku pendek, gemuk and bla bla bla. Dia kawan ngan Nina (Sorry Nina), mentang mentang Nina hotstuff takut lah pulak nak kutuk. Dia sama tinggi ngan aku jugak, asal tak kutuk? Takut dia unfriend kau? Bukan nya ada beza pun. Ni LEPU ah kan?!

Irfan Azmi : Mamat ni lagi sekor BODOH. Tgk diri dulu lah nak kutuk orang. BODOH kutuk adik aku pendek tak habis habis padahal dia pun sama pendek. KAU PIKIR KAU TINGGI SANGAT KE BODOH? Dah mula ah ni. Shahir mmg betul ....


Btw, ini semua kes kena ejek sebab pendek. Bukan lah apa, aku redha je dgn diri aku ni. Tapi yang kutuk tu jangan nak bangang sangat lah kan?! Kalau dah besar nanti korang lagi pendek daripada aku camne? Padan ah muka. Ejek lah lagi. Serious suka gila ah.

Sebelum ayat lain keluar, baik chow. Halim cakap, jangan stress2 time cuti ni, tak best. Kbye.